Six Things I have Learnt in Six Months of Blogging


Happy half blog-versary to me! My tiny corner of the internet is now six months old and I am so proud for keeping this little blog going. I really had no idea what to expect when I published that first post but so far, I can happily say it’s going swimming-ly (ish). It is fair to say that this whole malarkey is by no means easy but I can wholeheartedly say it has been entirely worth it. My main goal is to travel and to share my stories with you, throw in a spot of lifestyle and a pinch of TV recommendations and we have Abbie Jade Wanders. So without further ado, lets talk about some of the things I have learnt in my first six months rambling on the internet…

1. The Support 

Putting myself out there and publishing content on the internet terrified me for a long time. The ‘why would anyone wanna read anything I write’ gremlin was obnoxiously sat on my shoulder and put me off starting this thing for months, if not years. Genuinely, that hasn’t really gone away and I don’t know if it ever will. I struggle with the idea of anyone I actually know reading my blog or following me on Instagram. However, six months down the line and I could not be more grateful for the support and encouragement I have received from my family, my friends and so many of you incredible strangers. 

Yeah, you will get those people, some of whom being some of the closest people to you, who will repeatedly tell you that they have heard you have started a blog and then follow it up with the oh ‘I saw that, but I didn’t read it’, and do you know what, that part sucks and personally I wouldn’t consciously go out of my way to tell someone that, but also you have to accept that not everyone is going to get it, be interested or like what you write. That’s their loss. Just do whatever makes you happy. Anyhow, luckily 99.9% of people have been more than lovely, entirely supportive, interested in what I do and the support from close to home and further a field honestly makes my heart happy.  

2. The schedule, juggle struggle is so real

Success does not come over night. And sometimes, you will wonder if it ever will come. Creating a blog and making a success of it, is time consuming. Like crazy time consuming. There is no quick fix and if someone tells you they have one, they’re lying. I have been running this blog alongside my 9-5 office job and it’s a good job I love writing and putting content together, because otherwise I’d have given this up 6 months and 3 days ago. Writing posts, taking, choosing and editing photos, proof reading, scheduling. Oh flipping heck the scheduling tweets to promote said content. It hoovers up your time. I still haven’t nailed a definitive writing/posting schedule. It’s something I aim for every month and so far six months in, it hasn’t happened. Just keep swimming. It will be worth it. 

3. Stay True to You 

Wow, that heading sounds rather self-helpy doesnt it. But I mean it, remember why you started writing. Remember what your goals are and just stick at it. Create content that you’re proud of and don’t give up. I have been adamant from day one that I will not write about any old thing. Content whether it be gifted, sponsored or otherwise, just keep it genuine and never lose sight of why you wanted to start a blog in the first place. 

4. Try not to compare your six months to somebody else’s six years. 

This is probably one of the most difficult ones. We all do it. I thought now would be the appropriate moment to bring you some borrowed wisdom, Roosevelt once said ‘Comparison Is the Thief of Joy’ and he is so right. Just remember that everyone single one of us has to start somewhere.  

5. You will take 35,000 photos and only like 3 of them

Yep, you will take thousands of photos, whether they are for Instagram or for your blog. And you will dislike 97% of them. As for some of the things you will do for ‘the gram’. Eugh did I just say that. But yes, your life will be all consumed with ‘ooh but this could be a photo opportunity for…’. Which brings us to my next point…

6. Take time out & Switch off from social media. 

I can’t remember whether I mentioned it here or over on instagram. But starting a blog means that social media can become a huge chore. It is more important than ever as a #blogger to put your phone down. Josh tells me off for it all the time. Twitter, Instagram, WordPress, Bloglovin, Facebook, Pinterest, you name it – your life can be overrun with it. Embrace it, use it, love what you’re doing, just remember sometimes to switch it off/stick it on aeroplane mode, put it on silent in another room. Just pick up that book. Go out for that glass of wine. Binge watch that netflix series, all without the social media presence. 

So there we have it. I have shared with you my thoughts, advice and wisdom from my first six months in the blogger-sphere. I am more than excited for the next six months to see where I take this little blog to next. 

Thank-you as always for reading, let me know your thoughts in the comments x 


  • Jane 21 September 2018 at 08:52

    Hey, I just came across your blog on twitter and I totally agree with this post! Very well written too, good job x

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    About Me

    About Me

    Hello there, welcome to my tiny corner of the internet. I’m Abbie, a Travel Blogger (albeit sporadic), Editor and Translator. Back in the UK after travelling Asia, TEFL in Hanoi & two years of van life in NZ. Currently renovating a 80's narrowboat to liveaboard and cruise the UK waterways. For content, expect all the viewpoints, sunset spots, hotel recommendations and great veggie food!

    Abbie x

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